2025-2026 Hybrid Program (Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, and Third Grade)
Here you can find information about the Hyrbrid program, in general, for the 2025-2026 academic year. Then, scroll down to see grade-specific information.
We may make changes to these details at any time.
The 2-Day Classes are DROP-OFF classes. Parents are only required to be on campus for their volunteer days (see below).
The Tampa Covenant Homeschoolers two-day grade level classes serve to provide students with a rich learning and social environment two days each week (Tuesdays and Thursdays), as well as at-home lesson plans and support for three at-home days each week. Hours are from 9 - 1 (Kindergarten), from 9 - 2 (First Grade, Second Grade) and from 9 to 2:15 (Third Grade). Our academic year dates are on the "Important Dates" page.
- Parents are the primary teachers. Teachers of hybrid classes are available for help and support. Lesson plans for at-home days are provided.
- We welcome special needs students. We are honored to partner with parents to accommodate special needs as much as possible. However, this is not a special needs program. Our teachers are not trained nor educated in working with special needs students (though we all have lots of experience!). If a child’s needs excessively demand the teacher’s time, if behavior is disruptive to the other students in class, or if the child is not being adequately served in our program, we may ask that an aid (parent, therapist, other) be in the classroom with the student at all times. We expect that parents will provide specific therapies to meet their child’s needs while outside of the classroom.
- Parents are always welcome in the classroom.
- We teach children, not curriculum. At these young ages, so much of learning is about readiness. We aren’t planting a tree. We plant a seed, then water it, feed it, nurture it, and wait in joyful, unhurried anticipation. God has these children exactly where He wants them. We rejoice in who and where they are.
Volunteer Requirement
- It is a requirement in hybrid program classes that we have one parent in the classroom each class day. Therefore, parents must plan to spend the day in the classroom four to six times per student throughout the academic year. The number of volunteer days depends on the number of students in the class Parents must find other arrangements for siblings. If we do not have a parent volunteer for any day, class will be cancelled for that day.
Letter of Intent and Portfolio Evaluation information
- If you have never filed a letter of intent and your child will be 6 years-old before Feb. 1, 2026, then you MUST file a letter of intent to homeschool with your county. We are happy to provide a sample of that letter for either Hillsborough or Pasco Counties. This letter is only sent once, when you begin your homeschool program. The date of receipt by the county becomes your “anniversary date.”
- Evaluations. By your anniversary date each year, you must send a “Portfolio Evaluation Form” to the state. (There are other choices, but this is the one supported by our co-op teachers.) We have sample forms with which you can create your own. Portfolio Evaluations are not included in class fees.
Curriculum you should have at home
- Enrolled families will receive a list of required and recommended at-home curriculum. You can expect to spend approximately $150 - $400 (plus shipping).
- We require a materials fee to hold your spot in the class. Registered families should send $200 to hold their spot. Payment details are on the "Payment Details" page of the website. Those paying online should pay and additional $7 to cover online payment processing fees. This materials / hold-your-spot fee is due no later February 13th, or upon registration if registered after February 13th.
- Membership Fee of $50, annually.
- Administrative fees are waived for the hybrid program.
- Kindergarten: $2288 (includes facility fees)
- First and Second Grades: $2610 (includes facility fees)
- Third Grade: $2661 (includes facility fees)
Training and Evaluation Requirements
- All families who are new to the Tampa Covenant Homeschoolers two-day grade level classes are required to attend a homeschool training near the end of the summer, before school begins. If a family is unable to attend, it is the responsibility of that family to meet with the teacher at an alternative time that is convenient for the teacher. A student may not attend class until this training is completed. This training is included in your class fee. This meeting date and time will be in late July or early August 2025 and will be announced to registered families as soon as it is determined.
- Every Kindergarten student, and other students by teacher request only, will enjoy time with their teacher near the end of the summer, for a placement assessment. This is not a test. It is simply a tool used by the teacher to determine where the child is developmentally and academically in order to individualize instruction in the classroom and on the at-home lesson plans. Registered students will receive a link to sign up for an assessment date. Assessment dates will be July 30th through August 7th. Plan to be in town at least one of those days.
- First Grade, Second Grade, and Third Grades: A placement evaluation is required for every student new to the hybrid program - upon official class registration (not when placed on wait list). There is a charge for this evaluation ($50), payable when the evaluation is scheduled. This fee may be waived or reduced at the teacher's discretion. Requested grade-level acceptance is not guaranteed. If your child's developmental maturity or academic level is better suited for a different grade (according to the evaluator), acceptance to that grade in the TCH program is dependent on availability.
Kindergarten-specific information:
Kindergarten Objectives
- An Old Testament survey of major Biblical characters, Biblical events and God’s redemptive hand in the lives of His people.
- Understand that God gave us the Bible as His only written word and identify its two major parts, Old and New Testament.
- Recite from memory the Books of the Old Testament, The Apostles’ Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, Psalm 139: 1-14, The Beatitudes, Psalm 23 and Psalm 100. (Highlighted portion indicates that this is the parents’ choice. Changes according to parents' requests from year to year.)
Language Arts
Integrated throughout all curriculum, and individualized for each child, our Language Arts program focuses on pre-writing, phonogram sounds and shapes, writing, reading and literature.
- State in their own words that God gave us language, written and spoken.
- Enjoy hand-eye coordination practice through various pre-writing and fine-motor exercises.
- Recognize phonograms in both print and cursive, and articulate sound/s that each makes, using an Orton-Gillingham-based curriculum.
- Begin the process of consistently and properly form lower case versions of each cursive letter. (Parents' choice, at-home.)
- Begin to practice reading at each child’s reading readiness level.
- Delight in various poetry, literature and non-fiction selections relating to unit study.
- Poetry memorization.
- State that God gave us numbers and systems.
- Using Singapore Early Bird Mathematics and Saxon 1, a variety of manipulatives and math fact worksheets, begin with concrete experience of number concepts, moving to workbook and story problem mastery.
- Explore God’s creation through hands-on experience, poetry, songs, and chants.
- Science units include Five Senses, Plants, Animal Classes, Pets, Habitats and Seasons.
History / Geography
- Understand that God is sovereign in their lives, their families and in the world.
- Describe their own family structure up to grandparents.
- Identify the seven continents.
- Define community and recognize basic traffic signs.
First Grade-Specific Information
My goal is to build the child’s natural curiosity for God’s world and wonders. By making learning fun and interactive, a child will feel successful. I believe in building good habits and teaching children the character traits to be a disciple of our Lord and Savior. I feel called to partner with parents and to encourage them as the primary teacher.
- New Testament Survey
Monthly Character Trait Study, including:
- Attentiveness
- Self- Control
- Generosity
- Forgiveness
- Bob Jones University Press, Grade One.
- In-class math: time, calendar, money, fractions, geometry, and measurement.
- At-home math: mastering addition and subtraction facts.
Language Arts
- Teacher and parents will be using a multi-sensory, science of reading approach for reading and spelling instruction.
- In class, small groups will be given direct, hands-on phonics/spelling instruction and fluency reading practice with instructional level books to be read in class and at home.
- Parents at home will be encouraged to use the All About Reading curriculum for reading instruction and spelling. An Assessment will be given prior to school beginning and advice on level 1, 2, or 3.
- Parents should be committed to 30 minutes instructional time three times per week.
- Four assessments will be given each school year to monitor growth.
- Work with families to establish good reading habits to create lifelong readers.
- Read rich children’s literature.
- Work towards reading fluency by enjoying poetry.
- Continue to build cursive writing techniques. (Students who have not started cursive should purchase and practice Cursive First over the summer.)
- Grammar: introduction to basic parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives.
- Apologia, Exploring Creation, Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day
Second Grade - Specific Information
We will be studying the book of Matthew and breaking up the book into bite-size pieces. Students will rely heavily on the comprehension strategies of predicting, visualizing, asking questions, clarifying, and summarizing to help them understand God’s word.
Reading/ Language Arts
Interactive Read Aloud/ Shared reading: Focusing on comprehension strategy instruction and understanding the text differences between fiction and nonfiction.
Guided Reading: Students will practice reading books on their level independently, to practice building words and to meet with their guided reading group.
- Parent volunteers will direct building word lessons to help students understand that they can use their knowledge of one word to make other words. It also helps students focus on the beginning, middle and ending of words and teaches them how to manipulate the consonant and vowel sounds to build new words.
- Students will be assessed with a DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) prior to the start of the school year to identify their reading strengths and areas in need of instruction.
- Students will be matched with text that is in their zone of proximal development for guided reading groups.
- Running records will be used throughout the school year to track reading gains and to use the data to inform reading instruction.
Memorize and recite poetry and scripture.
Parent input: Scripture from the book of Matthew
Use key-word outlines developed with the IEW curriculum to practice public speaking.
Word Work
Use the Spell to Write and Read curriculum to master phonograms & spelling rules.
Use knowledge of the words from the spelling list to build other words.
Using the IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) program, students will learn to write paragraphs from key word outlines adding complexity as the year progresses.
- Note making and outlines
- Writing from notes
- Retelling narrative stories
- Summarizing a reference
- Writing from pictures
- Inventive writing
The BJU math curriculum will be divided between home and co-op and focus on individual ability to master math facts (home) and group practice of data (at co-op). Data may include time, calendar, graphs, measurement, money, and hands-on introductions of advanced math concepts such as fractions, geometry, multiplication, and division.
Commit to memory and master addition and subtraction facts. Xtra Math accounts (xtramath.org) to help children master facts have been set-up for children to practice at home. We will practice math facts in the classroom as well.
Using Abeka, Enjoying God’s World, students will learn that God has a perfect design for everything He created. We will focus on the following topics:
- Human Body
- Plants
- Animals and their Habitats
- Science investigation
- Energy (force and movement, work and machines, changing movement)
- States of matter
- Weather
- Water cycle
Third Grade - Specific Information
My mission is to foster the love of learning in each child through engaging them in hands-on, fun, and interactive lessons. I want to support each parent in their role of primary teacher and help each student work to the best of his/her ability. Above all, I want to point each child to the God who created them and loves them as they learn more about the world He made.
- Bible will be incorporated throughout all subjects as He is the creator of the world we live in.
- We will focus on the nine fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) through studying Bible Scripture and Bible characters that reflect these fruits.
- Students will memorize Scripture that relates to the fruits of the spirit.
Language Arts
- Students will continue learning how to be a good reader by reading books that coincide with each student's ability. We will further their comprehension skills through discussion questions, oral and written.
- Students will enjoy rich literature and poetry.
- Students will have the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills through book reports and reciting poetry.
- We will work toward spelling mastery using Spell to Write and Read.
- Students will develop their writing skills using the IEW Bible Heroes curriculum.
- Students will also be given the opportunity to practice cursive or manuscript handwriting (parent’s choice).
- We will dig into grammar as students will learn the different parts of speech (nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, interjections, conjunctions), and begin learning how to diagram sentences.
· We will be focus on our multiplication facts through Math U See Gamma, as well as focusing on counting money through our weekly treasure box.
- Students will marvel at how we are wonderfully and fearfully made by God as they are introduced to Human Anatomy using Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology, Usborne First Encyclopedia, as well as other books.
Registration Details
For your information, this is the order in which we run registration for 2-day classes:
- We open pre-registration to those currently enrolled in a hybrid class first. (So, First Graders automatically have a space held for them in Second Grade, etc.).
- We open pre-registration to siblings of those enrolled in 2-day classes. (So, if you have a child registered for First, and have a rising Kindergartener, that sibling is next to register.)
- For Kindergarten only, pre-registration is then opened for kids who have previously been enrolled in (and have faithfully attended) the Mother's Morning Out program.
- Registration then opens to the membership of Tampa Covenant Church.
- Registration then opens to returning TCH families (those whose child/ren are currently enrolled in classes at TCH).
- Registration then opens to the general membership of TCH.
- Finally, we will promote the classes to the wider Tampa Bay homeschool community.
Please note:
- Tampa Covenant Church, members of the Board, and individual instructors have priority for all class requests and may pre-register before the order listed above.
- Waiting lists are not honored in order, meaning that first on the waiting list does not necessarily mean first to move into a vacant spot. Priority is given to current 2-day families, Tampa Covenant Church members, teacher requests, and Board requests.
- Instructors may change their class minimum or maximum at any time, depending on the needs of registered students. For instance, the teacher of a class with a high number of special needs students may choose to have a lower maximum number of students than listed.