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HOW TO use the website

HOW TO use the website

Scroll down to the action you require to see the step-by-step process for your task.

Troubleshooting:  The most common problems to being able to use the website are:

Use your computer, not your phone or other mobile device.

You must be logged in.

HOW TO Register for a class  

  • Log in!
  • Click on the picture under "Class Registrations." 
  • Scroll down through the class schedule.  
  • Click on a class you want.
  • A dialog box will open so that you can see a description of that class.
  • At the top right, you will see your children's names and little boxes next to their names.
  • If you want to register, click the little box next to the appropriate child's name.
  • Click "REGISTER."

HOW TO Add a child to your list of children

  • Log in!
  • At the VERY TOP of the page, in the dark blue bar, third from the right, you will see, “Profile.”  Click it.
  • Scroll down to the section called “Children.” (It’s colorful.)
  • Under the box section is a tiny box with a plus in it, labeled, “Add Child.”  Click it.
  • Add your child’s information.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “UPDATE.”

HOW TO see the classes you are registered for

  • Log in!
  • Visit the "Class Registrations" page.
  • At the top right of any schedule on that page, click on "Manage Class Registrations."
  • You can choose to view future classes, current classes, or past classes, if any.
  • You will see a list of all of the classes for which your children are registered.  If you don't see the class, your child isn't registered.  (Remember, we don't put financial information on the website.)

HOW TO un-register for a class.

  • Log in!
  • Visit the "Class Registrations" page.
  • At the top right of that page, click on "Manage Class Registrations."
  • Choose "Future Classes" or "Current Classes" from the tab selections.
  • In the list of your child's classes, click on the tiny box in the "CANCEL" column AND THEN
  • Scroll down and click on the box, "CANCEL."
  • You will see a confirmation dialog box, but if you are unsure, you can go to the Class Registrations page and click on "Manage Class Registrations" again.

HOW TO sign up for a field trip 

  • Log in!
  • Go to the "Calendar" page.
  • Go to the date for which the field trip is planned.
  • On the calendar, click on the event you want to sign up for.  (If nothing happens when you do this, it is either because the field trip is not yet open for sign-ups or you aren't logged in.)
  • When you've clicked, a dialog box will open with details about the field trip.
  • If you want to sign up, click the link "SIGN UP NOW" at the bottom of the box.
  • Follow the prompts.
  • Remember - sign up for EVERY PERSON who will be attending the field trip, even the free babies, even if they're free.  We need accurate head-counts.
  • Click "SIGN UP" once you have entered attendees' names.
  • Click the "PAY NOW" button and follow the prompts.  Payment is required at time of sign-up.  Unpaid sign-ups will be deleted.

HOW TO view your child's classes and assignments using the "Class Dashboard."

  • Log in!
  • Click the "Classes" link at the top, right, of the home page.
  • Watch THIS VIDEO for further instructions.
  • Not all teachers use the class dashboard.

HOW TO pay for a field trip you have signed up for.

  • Log in!
  • Click "Balance" at the top, right corner of the page.
  • Click the small box to the right of the field trip sign-up you are paying for, or the small box marked "PAY ALL."  The PAYPAL button will turn bright orange.
  • Click the PAYPAL button.  You will be redirected to a Paypal login page.
  • Follow the prompts to pay for the field trip.  Please DO NOT pay using "Friends and Family."  This is a merchant transaction.

HOW TO see what field trips you have signed up for.

  • Log in!
  • On the homepage, scroll down to the list of "My Sign-ups" to see the list of every future event you are signed up for.  Click "View All" to see more future events.  If you don't see the field trip you believe you have signed up for, then you missed a step.  Try again until you see it in the "My Sign-ups" list.

HOW TO get on a field trip waiting list after the deadline has passed.

  • Reach out to Mary Lynch via email (admin@tampacovenanthomeschoolers).  Deadlines are set because most venues require a number of attendees and/or payment in advance, so adding after deadline date is often impossible.  If someone cancels, cancelled spots will be offered in order of those who are on the waiting list or (if the deadline date passed before waiting list began) to those who have contacted Mary Lynch, in the order in which they reached out.

HOW TO cancel a field trip sign-up.

  • NOTE:  You can't cancel a sign-up if sign-ups are closed.  If this is the case, please text Mary Lynch at 813-404-9812 to cancel.
  • NOTE:  Field trip sign-ups cannot be transferred to someone else.  
  • Log in!
  • Go to the "Calendar" page.
  • Go to the date for which the field trip is planned.
  • On the calendar, click on the event you want to cancel.  (If nothing happens when you do this, it is because you aren't logged in.)
  • When you've clicked, a dialog box will open with details about the field trip.
  • You will see a list of those signed up, with an "EDIT" button on the left side of the top name.  Click that EDIT button.
  • Change the drop-down menu for each name from "signed up" to "cancelled."
  • Click on "SAVE CHANGES" at the bottom of the page.

If you are still unable to complete the task you need to complete, even after completing the steps above, please:

  • Use your computer, not your phone.  If that doesn't work:
  • Make sure you are logged in.  (If you have forgotten your password, please use the "forgot password?" Link in the login dialog box.  The login dialog box opens when you click on "Login" at the top, right of the homepage.).  If that doesn't work:
  • Send an email to [email protected] for assistance.